About Us

How It Started
LLoraine Tours started in November 2004 through the vision and hard work of its Owner and Founder, Ms. Llonie Guerrero. The company initially registered its business in Department of Trade and Industry through Sole Proprietorship and focused on package tours catering to schools.
In 2007, an important milestone happened when the company ventured into Bus Operation business. Not long after, the company migrated its business registration to Securities and Exchange Corporation. Lloraine Tours has started serving a wider array of market from Schools, Companies, and Travel & Tours businesses.
Ever since the company was established, the thrust and foundation of Lloraine Tours is on its efficient and resourceful team who never fails to provide quality and worthwhile service to all its clients. We give utmost value in giving a personalized service, clean buses, courteous drivers, and on-time reporting.
Lloraine Tours is known in the industry as a company that people and companies can always rely on specifically in ensuring that a good and trustworthy customer service is being provided.
We will continue to be the best transport partner that will be a "Home on the Road" for our dear and valuable clients.